Retail CBD Vacancy Rates

In the realm of retail, Melbourne CBD reigns supreme, boasting the nation's lowest vacancy rate at a mere 7.37%. Such accolades don't come without merit, as evidenced by a staggering reduction of 330 basis points in vacancy, a feat unmatched across the country.

It becomes evident that Melbourne’s stronghold on vacancy reduction is particularly pronounced within the realm of fashion retail. Across all retail categories—be it arcades, strips, or centers—Melbourne experienced a notable decrease in vacancy over the latter half of 2023. Laneways and arcades, as well as strip retail, witnessed the most significant declines, clocking in at 3.6% and 3.5%, respectively.

As Allard Shelton navigates this evolving landscape, we remain committed to providing tailored solutions to our clients, leveraging our expertise to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities amidst fluctuating market conditions. Through diligent analysis and strategic insight, we aim to guide our clients towards successful outcomes in the dynamic world of commercial real estate.


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